This film...

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That is all.

Narry_Borman is cool enough to quote himself.


GG 000 000
G OO 00
G OO 00
G OO 00
G 000 000
G 00000

Sod it I can't be bothered.


What an intelligent message to post. I'm surprised you can even spell "sucks", since your I.Q. is obviously on par with the lower forms of life on Earth.

This movie is hilarious. But you're probably American, so you don't get it...


Yeah, go watch Friends, or some other crap American sitcom, Mr I-Make-Moss-Look-Intelligent.


Exactamundo. How much time does he have on his hands to strategically spell out "SUCKS!". I'm surprised he didn't spell it "SUX" - it would have saved time and also would have lived up to the fact that Americans love further butching the English language.

RIK MAYALL is a comedy genius and a bad word should never be said against him.

However, I do think this film relys on a lot of violent slap-stick as "Bottom" does. I adore "Bottom" - the slap-stick compliments the hilarious script and acting, but it ends up taking over this film, which is a shame since Mayall and Edmonson are pure genius.


If you're going to be upset about use of language, you may want to spell relies correctly. Also, slapstick is one word with no need for hyphenation. I agree with your comments regards the silly "sucks" pattern but you shouldn't criticise grammar unless you can back yourself up.


local-shopper: I think the charm of IMDb is that most people do not think it necessary to be grammatically correct all the time. My comment on the 'SUCKS' pattern was intended to be humorously unpleasant towards the poster due to his/her views on the film. My comment was not concerned with grammar. 'Sux' is usually spelt that way by people who are conscious of the way they are spelling it (it is a conscious effort to challange standard English grammar). I do not usually point out grammatical mistakes as I DO understand that this is an informal movie website (not a spelling competition). I also understand that sometimes a grammatical mistake is actually a typing error.

Lighten up.

PS: In case you are American, I have not mispelt 'humour' - in Britain we include the 'u'. Ok?


Interesting points, but it still doesn't change the fact that this film is...

           A:::::::::A             ssssssssss       ssssssssss   
          A:::::A:::::A          ss::::::::::s    ss::::::::::s  
         A:::::A A:::::A       ss:::::::::::::s ss:::::::::::::s 
        A:::::A   A:::::A      s::::::ssss:::::ss::::::ssss:::::s
       A:::::A     A:::::A      s:::::s  ssssss  s:::::s  ssssss 
      A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A       s::::::s         s::::::s      
     A:::::::::::::::::::::A         s::::::s         s::::::s   
    A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A  ssssss   s:::::s ssssss   s:::::s 
   A:::::A             A:::::A s:::::ssss::::::ss:::::ssss::::::s
  A:::::A               A:::::As::::::::::::::s s::::::::::::::s 
 A:::::A                 A:::::As:::::::::::ss   s:::::::::::ss  
AAAAAAA                   AAAAAAAsssssssssss      sssssssssss    

That is all.

By the way, we kicked your ass in World War 2!

Narry_Borman is cool enough to quote himself.


What a kook Narry Borman is.....thinks WW2 was between the yanks and the brits......typical yank!


Damn limey frenchman, always thinking you're better than everyone else. Some of us have trailer homes to
pay for, and can't waste time learning about useless ancient history.

Narry_Borman is cool enough to quote himself.



This is a most amusing discussion. However, I think you'll find that if it wasn't for the Greeks and Russians we would all be speaking German.

Eich viech Deutch - ach tung! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

PS: Have you ever heard of the British film critic Barry Norman?



Exactamundo, chief. I wonder if Mr Borman is aware of this. 'Narry' is hardly a common (or proper) name, yet it is clear that he is a Yank - so how would he know who Bazza is?

It's a mystery to us all...


He's on a film related message board, using a play on words of well known British film critic, I very much doubt he's american. More likely just a troll with too much time on his hands.


yeah i got that feeling to but just love any chance to slag off an american who is still in belief that america is great, but hey ho, i still think he is a steaming great twat and sits in a lard arse 2000...



Us British don't think we're the best!
We KNOW we're the best!
And why did you call him a frenchman even though you already called him a limey? Make up your mind what race he is!


"By the way, we kicked your ass in World War 2!"

You were on our side in WWII, you idiot.



why type all that *beep* you *beep* tw*t
"a conscious effort to challange standard English grammar" what are you on you sad di**head? for *beep* sake?

and: "'Sux' is usually spelt that way by people who are conscious of the way they are spelling" no its the result of a subconscious autonomous reaction that they have no control on!!
you stupid *beep*
people like you make me want to put *beep* through everyones letterbox and bottle people in alleys at night in the hope and concellation that one might turn out to be you, die fu*ker...



Im sorry but I didnt get that. Do you like or hate the movie?

I'm not offending only defending.


"Crew-Dorch" (wonderful, wonderful username, I have to say): How amusing - you've had a fanny fit and my post wasn't even directed to you. Heh heh. Thanks for the laugh.


"you may want to spell relies correctly."

I find this statement amusing. "Relies".

Although he does make a good point, I just found it funny he made a typo whilst telling people to spell correctly.

As for this thread, it's stupid, the starter is obviously incapable of making any real point or at least give a reason for why he thinks it "Sucks".

I think the movie's great, granted it might not meet the standards of the Bottom TV Series or live shows, but it's still a very funny film.




Bottom the tv series - GOOD
Bottom Live - SUPERB
Bottom/Guest House Paradiso - RUBBISH.


Well, I didn't laugh at all at the Live Shows.. thought they were unfunny and well.. painful. But I am a huge Bottom fan, though.. and I love the series and GHP.


I agree i didnt find the live versions funny at all. But the three series of bottom were really funny and guesthouse paradiso was not that bad, Rik Mayall is a comedy genious. Maybe you've got to be a fan of the series to like the film. I'll be watching it on channel 4 tonight.


Agreed. Because the live show and the TV series had comic off-sync sound effects, the classic shaky sets, as well as laughter (canned or live), it just had a more fun/slapstick feel, but the movie lacked these things, so it just was very unpleasant to watch, and quite dark, which I just didnt enjoy, especially compared to the TV Series.

Although a lot of people dont link it to Bottom, saying its a spin-off/loose link purely based on the fact that Eddie and Richie have different surnames in the movie than the TV series. I dont see this myself.


I like my rude and crude TV shows like Bottom etc, but I really did not like this film, I felt it was over crude and just using that fact to sell the movie


It is crude, and quite dark in places - darker than the Bottom series, as Rik's character is more evil. However, I still think it is an extreamly funny, well written and acted film!


look im Irish which means im neutral, a bad speller and i have no idea of history.

so let me be the judge of the postings.

dude who is having trouble backing up his ''sucks'' and 'ass' comments- go away, most of us here dont like you very much.

rest of you who didnt like the movie and gave reasons, fair enough you are entitled to your say, but i dont like people saying bad things about anything Rik or Ade related, so im afraid you will have to stop.

those of you who love the movie, Rik and Ade and have been defending the movie, i salute(i think that is spellt ok!) you, it can be a long and head wrecking war but it one worth fighting for.

''pheeb, one boiled egg'' lmao, how can that be bad, honestly?


bestsista you were a bad speller until i had to help you spell half the words in that bloody posting, took forever!!!


ooohhh ssssshhhhhhhuuuuuuuttttt uuuupppppp eddie. thanks for the help


Look buddy, I'm American, which means I'm better than you.

dude who is having trouble backing up his ''sucks'' and 'ass' comments- go away, most of us here dont like you very much.

Oooh, that's fighting talk where I come from... funny thing is, my last post in this thread was Sun Oct 3 2004 13:50:21 according to IMDB, so it was pretty much a given that I'd already left, but then I learnt there were still people in the world, such as you, who actually defend this tripe. I think of this as a humanitarian act personally.

As for backing up my statements, here goes.

This film sucks, because it so obviously sucks balls.
This film is ass, because the story and jokes could only been plucked from the deep nether regions of someone's ass.

Actually, now I think about it, if a crappy movie like this is sufficient to keep non-entities busy for a few hours, then it was all worth it!

Oh, and the obligatory big text thing.

This film is...

 ____                    __              
/\  _`\                 /\ \__           
\ \ \L\ \  __       ___ \ \ ,_\    ____  
 \ \ ,__//'__`\   /' _ `\\ \ \/   /',__\ 
  \ \ \//\ \L\.\_ /\ \/\ \\ \ \_ /\__, `\
   \ \_\\ \__/.\_\\ \_\ \_\\ \__\\/\____/
    \/_/ \/__/\/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/__/ \/___/ 

Narry_Borman is cool enough to quote himself.


oh god that joke was funny, i nearly wet me knickers laughing it was so good, thanks i needed that, that really cheered me up. i showed my whole family(which has many members) and they found it just as funny as me.

''Look buddy, I'm American, which means I'm better than you.''

oh God it is stil brilliant, and you sound like you mean which is adds to the funniness of it all.

and of course they are fighting words. i wasnt trying to be nice to you.

i bet your like 35 and you live with your parents and you have to be stil a virgin, cause only a virgin is that blind(get it blind, no you probably wont.)

thats it isnt it i've hit the nail on the head havnt i!

you are a top class loser.

but a good comedian, no wonder you dont like the movie your jokes cant be bet.

''Look buddy, I'm American, which means I'm better than you.''

im sorry i have to go now and e-mail this to my friends they are going to die laughing, someone who stil thinks america is a-ok. and not a bully-blob of lard with idiots imbedded in it which is going to explode anytime now and take the whole world with it because it is too stupid to realise its own crimes.

''Look buddy, I'm American, which means I'm better than you.''

thats never going to get old!
im actually crying with the laughter right now. God thats good stuff.


thats how he has all the time to make those big words cos he sits in his "lard-arse 2000" beanbag all night shouting "mom, bring me my mcdonalds, dont make me get the hose" while crackheads are shooting up against the side of his trailer shouting "brandine, get off the dang roof" and how did you actually get to see the movie? through your binoculars into taxpayers' televisions no doubt, who have jobs and less than 50 kids by 60 different women

in the words of rik mayall "extended family, its just a term for sexual free for all"

"Look buddy, I'm American, which means I'm better than you"
bloody yank hick.


Relax buddy, take a load off. This is gratitude for you, I try warning you away from a truly dire film that's been scientifically proven to rot brain cells, and you insult my choice of life style.

Since I have a big heart, I thought I'd offer some tips to you, since I believe you really need them (as I said, I'm a real humanitarian, the way I look after my backwards neighbors from poorer countries).

Firstly, when insulting, try not to contradict, that just confuses the intended victim.

i bet your like 35 and you live with your parents and you have to be stil a virgin, cause only a virgin is that blind(get it blind, no you probably wont.)
through your binoculars into taxpayers' televisions no doubt, who have jobs and less than 50 kids by 60 different women

Secondly, try not to indirectly insult the last poster.
in the words of rik mayall "extended family, its just a term for sexual free for all"
i showed my whole family(which has many members) and they found it just as funny as me.

And since this is like shooting fish in a barrel, here comes the cheap shot.

im sorry i have to go now and e-mail this to my friends they are going to die laughing, someone who stil thinks america is a-ok. and not a bully-blob of lard with idiots imbedded in it which is going to explode anytime now and take the whole world with it because it is too stupid to realise its own crimes.

The only crime here is that somewhere, an English teacher actually took home a steady income.

To think, without us, you'd have been invaded by the French years ago.

Four score and twenty years ago, our founding forefathers had this to say about Guesthouse Paradisio. What a load of absolute

      ___          ___          ___          ___     
     /\  \        /\  \        /\  \        /\  \    
     \:\  \      /::\  \      /::\  \      /::\  \   
      \:\  \    /:/\:\  \    /:/\ \  \    /:/\ \  \  
      /::\  \  /:/  \:\  \  _\:\~\ \  \  _\:\~\ \  \ 
     /:/\:\__\/:/__/ \:\__\/\ \:\ \ \__\/\ \:\ \ \__\
    /:/  \/__/\:\  \ /:/  /\:\ \:\ \/__/\:\ \:\ \/__/
   /:/  /      \:\  /:/  /  \:\ \:\__\   \:\ \:\__\  
   \/__/        \:\/:/  /    \:\/:/  /    \:\/:/  /  
                 \::/  /      \::/  /      \::/  /   
                  \/__/        \/__/        \/__/    

Narry_Borman is cool enough to quote himself.


ok , so tell me the truth, are you really American?

''The only crime here is that somewhere, an English teacher actually took home a steady income''

whats wrong are you afraid of some bad spelling and stupid grammer is the rod that far up your arse?

''Secondly, try not to indirectly insult the last poster.

in the words of rik mayall "extended family, its just a term for sexual free for all"

i showed my whole family(which has many members) and they found it just as funny as me.''

gracie2a2 is part of my family so i doubt she was trying to insult me!
and there are many members of my family but unlike yours i suspect, there is only one mother and father and they waited until they were adults to have childern.

look i know it sucks to be an American (if you really are), i would be embarrassed too, but living in denile isnt helping anyone is it?

and Guest House Paradiso is a bit of fun(probably not a term your familiar with, but thats not your fault) so lighten up.

look there is no point trying to hide it we do know what you really are a *beep* stirrer. so go please yourself, go on you have enough time before your next Big Mac.

Love You Lots.


I actually guessed you were related in some fashion, you definitely appear to share the same healthy gene pool, though I suspect typing with webbed hands may be somewhat tricky. But since you want to know so much about me, I thought I'd oblige by giving you the scoop.

ok , so tell me the truth, are you really American?

Of course I am, my favorite shows include Friends and Ethnically Mismatched Reality TV Show #309.

whats wrong are you afraid of some bad spelling and stupid grammer is the rod that far up your arse?

See here's the thing... when insulting someone, especially their intelligence, its best to relate it in such a way so as to not disprove your point. Must I drag up this butchery?
not a bully-blob of lard with idiots imbedded in it which is going to explode anytime now

For example, you wouldn't call someone a tubby bitch if you were a 400 pound whale yourself, just as you wouldn't insult someone's intelligence, when everything you type screams "Pot, Kettle, Black".

gracie2a2 is part of my family so i doubt she was trying to insult me!
and there are many members of my family but unlike yours i suspect, there is only one mother and father and they waited until they were adults to have childern.

Contraceptives are a wonderful thing.

look i know it sucks to be an American (if you really are), i would be embarrassed too, but living in denile isnt helping anyone is it?

Ever considered a career in International Relations, I hear they don't even require a written test these days.

and Guest House Paradiso is a bit of fun(probably not a term your familiar with, but thats not your fault) so lighten up.

If by fun, you mean 89 minutes of tripe, then fine.

look there is no point trying to hide it we do know what you really are a *beep* stirrer. so go please yourself, go on you have enough time before your next Big Mac.

Maybe afterwards, that way I can use the napkin.

But then again, this isn't the Narry Interview board (you need IMDB Pro for that!), so lets discuss the movie at hand.

Guesthouse Paradisio is an absolute

::::::::::: :::    ::: :::::::::  :::::::::  
    :+:     :+:    :+: :+:    :+: :+:    :+: 
    +:+     +:+    +:+ +:+    +:+ +:+    +:+ 
    +#+     +#+    +:+ +#++:++#:  +#+    +:+ 
    +#+     +#+    +#+ +#+    +#+ +#+    +#+ 
    #+#     #+#    #+# #+#    #+# #+#    #+# 
    ###      ########  ###    ### #########  


Narry_Borman is cool enough to quote himself.


i like you man, you've got some spunk! fair dues t'ya!!


This film is crap though. Worse than Bottom itself. Which is quite low. The only reason so many people are defending this is because it's on the board for the film which is were it's braindead fans will hang out.


pog mo thon, wanker!
pog mo *beep* thon, cyber-turnip.
suck my big hairy nagers


The only one who is brain dead around here is you, cyber-turnip!!


What about Narry_Borman? He started this post. Surely that would make him braindead too if I am.


another *beep* stirer, lovely (and i did not spell *beep* wrong that he how we spell it in my country.before cyberman and narry decide to correct me on it)
where was i, oh yes BRING IT ON.
Pog mo thon agus ta tu lesibiach, cyberman agus narry


This just makes me sick to my stomach. I mean come on, Rik Mayall, Mr B'Stard himself, and good ole Ade, f'ing "Viv" for god sake! This is two pioneers of British comedy here, and hell, I'm American and I get it.

Borman, you just ruin it for the rest of us, it's people like you who stifle comedic talent, that in turn forces Hollywood to spoonfeed us rehash upon rehash. Bestsista, pay no attention to these trolls, props to you for having more "balls" than Borman and posting about films you enjoyed, rather than whining about films that you didn't understand.

As for you cyborg-turnip, I bet you've never even seen classic British comedy, such as Trigger Happy TV, Spaced, The Young Ones, Blackadder, or to suck up to Bestsista, Father Ted. So please troll elsewhere!

ps. Ade should have won Celebrity Fame Academy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


ErinChocosnitch, i like you, u rock and your an american, that dosent happen very often! why arent they all like you?

"im hungry but im too drunk to cook"


ErinChocosnitch I agree with Gracie2a2 why arent all Americans like you and more importantaly will you marry me.
And thanks i like it when people suck up to me(doesnt happen very often).
And i have given up on the rest of those fools who just like to stir the poo.
And well done to everyone who loves comedy you are all very cool

I'm not offending only defending.



Narry Borman, you are a tw@t.

There's no right way to hit a woman, so i'll shoot you instead!


Having chosen to share your moniker with that iconic film critic of 70s BBC television, Narry Borman, your credentials are therefore unshakably free of any defect - in my opinion.

You can do no wrong in my book.

I raise my glass to the magnificent irreplaceable Narry Borman.


That did make me giggle, the idea that someone would consider themselves BETTER than others because they're AMERICAN, lol!

Most people who have at least left the US on vacation consider it a handicap upon seeing how the rest of the world view the USA ;)


I agreed. The god retribution will bring is possessing the American people. I love Rik Mayall.


"This just makes me sick to my stomach. I mean come on, Rik Mayall, Mr B'Stard himself, and good ole Ade, f'ing "Viv" for god sake! This is two pioneers of British comedy here, and hell, I'm American and I get it."

It is because I love Rik Mayall and Ade Edmonson so much that I hate this film because it truly makes them look pathetic.

"As for you cyborg-turnip, I bet you've never even seen classic British comedy, such as Trigger Happy TV, Spaced, The Young Ones, Blackadder, or to suck up to Bestsista, Father Ted. So please troll elsewhere!"

You have no idea who you're talking to. I am an incredibly massive fan of comedy, and I am British. My DVD collection includes such British classics as:
I'm Alan Partridge
Father Ted
Look Around You
The Day Today
Trigger Happy TV
The Young Ones
Big Train
Mr. Bean
and The Fast Show just to name a few.


Look Around You is on DVD?


Series 1 is (the good series -before it went all Tommorow's World)



I thought the motorbike scene at the beginning was bloody hilarious, but there you go!

By the way Narry the French invaded us in 1066, but we kicked there asses.

French military defeats:-



I'm not offending only defending.


one boiled egg!



thank you it was good wasnt it!

I'm not offending only defending.



Hey i just want to say that the opinions expressd between Narry Borman, cyber- turnip (how did u cum up with that 1) and bestsista have been so entertaining. Have no idea how WW2 came in2 it tho Narry Borman, i thought we were discussing the film, which i haven't seen yet and would like every1's opinion on (see Is it worth watching? on the board) except urs Narry Borman, iv heard enough from u, but any1 else please let me no.



Narry Boreman, you are an idiot!

How did the Americans kick the british arses in WW2?

How did the Americans prevent invasion of the UK by the French?

How long is the heritage of the American people?

Sorry, scrap the last question, you are not Americans you are immigrants. I believe native americans where there a long long time before you fat, lazy, arrogant slobs were.

Why have you stolen the word "football" and added "American" to it, to describe a piss poor attempt at replicating the real man sport of Rugby?

Why do Americans feel the need to change words that are widely accepted as the norm everywhere else in the world? ie Soccer/Football

You do not have to feel the need to police the world, look at the state of affairs of the country you are squatting in first.

Feel free to come back with eloquent retorts.

Oh, one last thing, the shiny silver coloured metal is called and spelt "ALUMINIUM"

Thank you


HEY NARRY! WHY DONT YOU STOP WIBBLING ON LIKE SOME GIRL WHOS TRYING TO HAVE A PREIOD!now go eat some radioactive fish and hurl green all over yourself!

"dont get me angry, i get gassy when im angry"


...well said!


wow cyber turnip has listed all my favourite shows


>Sorry, scrap the last question, you are not Americans you are immigrants. I >believe native americans where there a long long time before you fat, lazy, >arrogant slobs were.

Ha ha very true. People forget that America was build upon the genocide of the native american people. Then supported by slavery

>Why have you stolen the word "football" and added "American" to it, to >describe a piss poor attempt at replicating the real man sport of Rugby?
>Why do Americans feel the need to change words that are widely accepted as >the norm everywhere else in the world? ie Soccer/Football

Soccer is an English word thought up by English public schoolboys, as in to 'sock' a ball - soccer. Like they thought calling rugby rugger was a good idea. Instead they just sound like tw@ts.

I don't believe Narry Borman is american. Would americans ever decribe something as toss or call someone a tosser?


That anti-yank rant deserves a BAFTA. Well said. (Could have included pointing out the correct pronunciation of the word "route"....)
PS This is officially the funniest film IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.


I agree this movie is not very good, but at times still enjoyable. 'Sucks' is a bit harsh.


Bottom is one of my favourites shows ever, but I agree that the film does indeed suck. All the jokes seem to be rejected ones from the programme,and whatever sparkle the slapstick violence had has long since gone. Makes me glad they didn't make a fourth series, clearly all the inspiration had been used up.

I'm not a troll. What you see above is what I actually feel. Take it or leave it, bub.


I am a huge fan of Britcoms and I defend them to my American friends all the time, but do you honestly believe that British comedy is on the whole funnier than American comedy? Come on. In general America has just had much more success making films and television in general than Britain. I love Blackadder and Fawlty Towers and Mayall is f---ing hilarious. ("She's got a tongue like an electric eel and she likes the taste of a man's tonsils!")

But really? Have even watched Seinfeld? Saturday Night Live? Two and a half Men? Arrested Development? The Simpsons? Family Guy? Futurama? South Park? And those are just tv shows that I can think of off the top of my head not to mention the hundreds of classic comedy movies that are American made (Caddyshack, Animal House, The Jerk...)

From experience, when an average American thinks of British comedy they think of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and usually its a love/hate thing. Besides, when has Britain pumped out a quality comedy series in the last 10-15 years? After FT, Blackadder, and Mr. Bean what has there really been? The only thing that comes to mind is The Mighty Boosh.

Plus American shows are loved the world over. You can go to the bowels of Africa and find an aboriginee who knows about Bart Simpson. You wanna know something really shocking, the average American has never even heard of Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers, or Blackadder. Most aren't even aware that Monty Python was a tv series before they made movies.

Stop licking my hand, you horse's ass!
-George Sr.


I, too, love Brit coms far more than Americano ones and I am an American dullard! There's very little to laff at here in the 8th dungeon of madness known as the USA. Therefore, the only way we can get off, is by shooting passing abortionists and licking molded chocolate bars in the shape of W's arse. Save me from a fate worse than the Pope's toilet!! Is this movie available over here?? Tell me true!

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


"do you honestly believe that British comedy is on the whole funnier than American comedy"

Erm, yes. Most American comedy, and I use the word loosely is crap. The fact that you even hold up Two and Half Men as an example of great comedy says it all.

This is how bad Hollywood thinks British comedy is:

Porridge, Only Fools and Horses, Birds Of A Feather, One Foot In The Grave, Till Death Us Do Part, Steptoe And Son, On The Buses, Men Behaving Badly, Man About The House, Robin's Nest, The Inbetweeners, Rising Damp, Coupling, Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, The Vicar Of Dibley, The Office, ETA, Dear John.... and these are just off the top of my head, have all been remade in the states. Some a full series, and some just a failed pilot. And surprise surprise most of them were a huge flop.

"the average American has never ever heard of Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers, or Blackadder"

You're not doing much for the dumb American stereotype here. What's popularity got to do with quality? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. John Wayne and Clint Eastwood are more famous and iconic worldwide than Daniel Day Lewis and Gary Oldman, I guess that must mean they're better actors? LMAO.
