what happened?

i was an extra only once in my life and it was in this film, it was supposed to be comedy like lock stock and 2 smokin barrels,the scene i was in, was a restaurant robbery and i was a sitting next to a lady who had a lobster thrown at her head oh and also a waiter had a fork stabbed through his hand.needless to say the scene was cut but i was so looking forward to it coming out. when it did it changed complete direction into a morbidly depressing film about drugs. at least gerard butler was a very nice bloke.


I think the reason I liked it was because I had no idea what it was about going in, and of course because Gerry Butler was in it. Today, he's much better looking then he was then. And such a nice guy. He has certainly paid his dues, and was just listed on the top single sexy batchlers of the year in People magazine.

