MovieChat Forums > Book of Swords Discussion > This movie predates the 2002 year posted...

This movie predates the 2002 year posted by imdb

I too wonder how this film got passed the radar, and had I not been looking up Kitana on wikipedia I would have never saw the short note they posted that she did a film with Ho Sung Pak (Liu Kang), the Book of Swords.

This film clearly wasn't promoted here in the United States, I didn't even find any place on the internet that was selling the DVD, although I can tell it was being sold internationally, so this is where ebay comes into play and luckily there was 1 auction of the DVD up. Now I can't wait till it arrives. :D

The lack of discussion about this movie on the internet was quite puzzling as well, you would at least think Midway would mention it, but nothing. So I turn to the Usenet boards (Google Groups), and look what I find.

A discussion that dates all the way back to 1996 that the movie was out and on its way. So from '96-'02 what took it so long to premiere, and why hasn't this film been shown in the United States?


The film was shot in 1996. I don't know what happened between 1996 and 2002. It was acquired by Fantastic Films International around 2002 and it was then re-edited and re-scored.


ive never seen it but the movie is probably bad and thats why nobody wants to market it majorly

well at least it got to one or two film fests.



I just edited Wikipedia and changed the date (I'm sure I've seen before 2005, as it's claimed now).
