Gary Busey on TBN

Did anyone else see Gary Busey pimping this movie on TBN?

Back when I was religious, I flipped the channel to TBN, to see Gary talking about the movie, and what they did between shoots.

Gary said "I would make up acronyms to remind me of things. For example BIBLE means Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. SNAFU was Situation Normal. All..."

THen the host of the show quickly went to a fundraising break.

Funniest damn thing I had seen.


I don't watch TBN, but in this case, I don't have to. Anybody who includes the terms "pimping," "[b]ack when I was religious," or "funniest d--- thing" in their editorial commentary on a Christian movie, I don't have to listen to the rest. Because I know what's coming -- not to mention what's behind it.


Back when I was religious,
Well, Jim, on the off chance you're still monitoring this thread I need to tell you that religion is an empty man-made system which has nothing to do with obtaining Eternal Life. Only faith in Christ can do that.

I encourage you to try again only this time go straight to Him.

And the dead shall be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed.~1 Corinthians 15:52


Preach it, sister! Amen and amen. 🙋
