The Red Room

I think that this was an ABC special that showed on a Saturday. They always had special kid movies coming on at 10 or 11 or something.

Well, this one was about a kid who gets locked in a red room and a ghost boy (I think he was blonde) tells him there is only one way out of the room and he has to find it. I think the blonde ghost was killed when he was locked in the room during a fire or something.

He figures out he has to go through the chimney to get out. Does this sound familiar?


Yes. It starred a kid named Moosie Dwyer (and I wish I was making that name up but I'm not). He would go on to play the soda jerk on ABC's circa '86 kids show Kid's Incorperated.


Wow. For some reason I was just thinking of this episode. All I could remember was it was called "The Red Room". Of all the ABC specials that I watched this is the only one I can remember. I wish I knew more about it or if I could ever somehow watch it again.


Evidently they've recently released the entire collection of ABC Afterschool Specials on DVD, so if you can make your way to your local media store you should be able to find it. I'm giving serious thought to getting it for myself.


Its actually titled "The Red Room Riddle".
