MovieChat Forums > Zatôichi (1989) Discussion > So What's The Difference Between The Two...

So What's The Difference Between The Two Vershuns?

Everybody Here Swears By The Media Blasters Vershun, But What's Wrong With The Tokyo Shock Vershun, Less Footage, No Blood? Anybody Know What The Tie Breaker Is? Thanx!


I own the Tokyo Shock version, just bought it today. There is plenty of blood. Running time is like 116mins. Not Rated. And the extras are a series of press pictures of all of the Zatoichi flicks (basically Lobby prints, ads/posters, and box cover type stuff) and theatrical trailer thats it. Japanese/English Subs and Japanese no subs available. 16:9 1.85:1 aspect ratio. And the only negative I see is my copy kinda locked up in one specific spot and there aren't any scratches on the disc or anything.


Aren't they the same company?


Tokyo Shock is just a subgroup of Media Blasters....


what's a Vershun?


vershun? that's one o them thar 'Net-bonics' word thingys from a generation of people ruined by chatrooms and IMs.
