I hate Fox

I'm fighting him level nine these days and he fights really cheap. All he does is use the same move over and over again and shoot his gay little ray gun at you at light speed so you can't even move to escape the rays. Fox is seriously a bitch and he pisses me off.



You're telling me, I had the same problem while playing Story Mode.


Eh he's not hard. My sister always hated him though because when he rolled, it sounded like he'd say "hot!" and she'd be all "IF YOU'RE SO DAMN HOT TAKE OFF YOUR JACKET!!!" It was funny...guess you had to be there.

Through concentration, I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will. - Dwight Schrute


He's not so bad you just have to attack him from a distince first to wear him down then move in for the K.O. He is the most annoying character thow and the cheapest but not the hardest

"Wendy, I'm Home"-Jack Torrance "The Shining"
