MovieChat Forums > Roswell (1999) Discussion > The reason I don't like Liz

The reason I don't like Liz

She broke up with Max. Max then moved on with Tess and got her pregnant. Liz cries boo hoo and says that everytime Max talks about his son that it reminds her that he cheated on her. WTF? They weren't even together, Liz broke Max's heart. He did exactly what she wanted him to!!


The thing to consider is Liz never wanted to break up with Max. She purposely broke Max's heart because she believed all their lives depended on the Royal Four remaining together. The only way that was gonna happen was if Max accepted his "destiny" that Tess was supposed to be his wife.

No, Max didn't cheat on Liz and it was irrational for her to make that claim, but people are not always rational when it comes to love. In Liz's case she obviously didn't realize at the time when she was pushing for Max and Tess to get together just how difficult it was going to be to witness them being a "happy" couple. It shouldn't come as a surprise that she felt bitter towards Max after he got Tess knocked up because she hadn't wanted to let him go in the first place. She was forced to push Max away because of Future Max's insistence that they couldn't be together.

I know I'm a vampire, Snookie.


He did technically cheat when he kissed Tess while him and Liz were still together. But Liz let that go pretty quickly.

"That's not what making out sounds like. Unless I'm doing it wrong."


He still didn't then. He was mind compelled by Tess if you remember.


Thinking back with my high school mind, Max did cheat on Liz when he kissed Tess. They were still together when that happened.

I voted for Frenchie and Dia like a sex donkey on Xanax.


Liz Parker is a pretty typical teenage girl. Sixteen and seventeen year olds are still getting their emotions under control. It amazes me how often people get angry at young protagonists on TV or in books. They do this on Switched at Birth and on the Fosters as well. Maybe I'm just a lot older than most of the people watching these shows. Maybe things of changed since when I was a kid. But the truth is, to the best of my memory, most teenagers made emotional mistakes. I kind of feel bad for those who judge fictitional character so harshly. Not because I care what people think of a character on a TV show. But when you hold people to impossible standards, you generally hold yourself to impossible standards as well. The mistakes that Liz made were very very typical mistakes. And her circumstances we're extenuating. When you calculate all the things that made her situation with Max harder, it's truly amazing that she held up as well she did. I think Liz breaking up with Max would've been very difficult for the same reason that it was very hard for Bella to break up with Edward in Twilight. In both cases, you have a girl who is dating a supernatural creature. What happens when such a relationship is over? She has to go through her life always having to keep the secret. How do you go back to normal? And what made his hook up with Tess even harder is that her best friend was dating his best friend. So even if she isn't with Max, she pretty much has no choice but to be around him. Either that or she has to give up on her best friend. If she does that, she literally has to go through the rest of her life with nobody to talk to about all this. These are incredibly difficult circumstances to deal with. Relationship stuff is difficult for young people under the best of circumstances. But with these outrageous circumstances, I think she handled it pretty well to be honest.

There is one thing that Liz went through in the show that struck me as brutal beyond words. Every time I see this scene, it just breaks my heart. Do you remember when Alex died and Max was trying to heal him? He failed. Maria then left with Michael. Max left with Isabelle. Kyle left with Tess and his dad. In that incredibly difficult time, because of all the awful things Tess did, Liz was left standing there all alone at what was probably the worst moment in her entire life. How do you ever forget the pain of that moment? I can certainly see why the constant reminders would be brutally painful. Given everything that girl went through, I'm willing to cut her a little bit of slack and not hate on her when she acts like a teenager.


You're right. She wasn't being fair to Max when she called him a cheater. But the reason why I don't feel bad for Max is because he was equally unfair to her when he thought she had slept with Kyle. She broke up with Max and tried to make that clear to him for months, but he refused to listen and let her go (Not that I'm going to put him down for that because it was really romantic)and then when he sees her with Kyle, he too acts like she's a cheater when she's not. And she let him treat her like dirt, even when he started to question whether or not she could even be trusted as a friend, she took it. Max can take a little bit of it too.


Well,Liz had to break up with Max,remember ? It was not her choice. Certainly she felt bitter about it.
Anyway,i never understood the Liz haters. Right,she is not perfect. But who is ?
On the other hand Max turned into a douche after he got the info he is royalty.
And that never withered away.


It wasn't entirely her choice, but she still did, so it is a little unfair to hold Max responsible for something she'd been pushing him to do. The reason I cut her slack is because the situation really wasn't as black and white as some fans want to make it seem and Max treated her pretty crappy after he thought she slept with Kyle and that was equally undeserved. I still love both of them though.


Thats a bit of an understatement to say that it wasnt not "entirely" her
choice. What would youve done in her shoes. Just ponder about that for a
minute. Its break up with the one your in love with or apocalypse.
Im pretty sure that swamps not only a teenage girl but anyone.
That both had bitter feelings afterwards and expressed them is just normal.
To give out blame assignements for that is kinda infantil.

Anyway,i was referring to Max`s behaviour in general after he got "the king"
role. Just pure douche. Before i felt sympathetic for him but he quickly turned
into one who easily steps on my nerves.


I'm not assigning blame at all. I'm one of Liz's biggest defenders when it comes to the whole "future Max" thing, but I do acknowledge the fact that she'd been pushing Max away for months before Future Max came and that was her choice. Again, not assigning blame to her, but I think it's equally unfair when people assign blame to Max for his relationship with Tess when he had no idea what was going on.

And I strongly disagree that Max became a douche after he found out he was a king. He did have his jerky moments (his treatment of Liz after EOTW and the way he behaved after Alex died stand out the most to me), but at his core, he was a scared seventeen year old with the weight of an entire planet thrust on his shoulders. He was doing the best he could for a seventeen year old kid, I could hardly expect perfection. Both of them were kids dealing with things that no one should have to deal with.


It's true they dated after they broke up but I hated how he slept with her so quickly, when he hadn't slept with the love of his life.

Dating didn't bug me; sleeping with her (probably unprotected) did.

Real LOSERS spell 'loser' looser!
