Lindsay Lohan... Matrix style!?!

I was just reading an article that the Hollywood Reporter did for this movie.

They mention that during the shoot Lindsay Lohan tweeted that "I got to do two 380's Matrix style" I'm guessing she meant 360's and I am also now intrigued over how awesome it would be to see:

LiLo w/ "Marilyn Monroe seven year itch dress w/ SCRAM anklet and all while taking out the paparazzi Matrix style!! I am definitely intrigued!

Here is where I heard about it:


Hey how about you stop trying to hype this crapmovie with your fake support. It's clear you are a part of the cast or crew.



I think the poster is a reffering to a NEW film similar to this one that Vince Offer is doing with Lohan guesting in a few scenes...This whole topic is posted in the wrong section...


The 2010 version is exactly the same as the original. VInce Offer just added more shorts to it. And he's hoping to reach a wider audience.


oh pattycakes johnson! if you haven't been paid to shill out such fervet and and bizarre support for this kim kardashian sized turd of a movie, then you are obviously retarded and should quit watching films altogether. how many posts have you dedicated to this crap? go to hell jack ass!


This could only be Vince. I like how you amazingly have posted similar comments on several posts. You obviously are not a schill and your support of this abortion of a movie will bring in a whole new audience. Keep trying, maybe you will trick some clown into watching it. Isn't their some dirty hooker you should be getting beat up by?


seriously? you sound like you're easily amused. you know what truly intrigues me pattycakes-johnson? I'm curious to know how much you're being paid to hype up vince offer and his cinematic abortions. THAT's what intrigues me! so? how much? or did you work on it? cards on the table here'll take some serious balls to answer my question honestly and with integrity...let's see if you're up to it, yeah?
