MovieChat Forums > The House of Mirth (2000) Discussion > I felt like I was watching a dress rehea...

I felt like I was watching a dress rehearsal

How can anybody like the acting in this movie? Even my wife, who loves all the Jane Austin movies and made for TV movies on lifetime, said the acting was horrible.

All the actors were one note. They spat out their lines like it was a rehearsal.

If you like this movie, then you must like every single movie you see.

"Are you a real redhead? How do I tell if you're a real redhead?" - Dallas 'Dally' Winston


Why do you have to make stupid assumptions about people just because you dislike a film they love? Why do you have to comment on something you don't seem to know much about? There's enough one-note ignorance on the Web already: why contribute to it by, for instance, comparing Wharton and Austen, or criticizing actors for mannered and nuanced performances which are to be expected in a film adaptation of a novel of manners?


Why do you have to make stupid assumptions about people just because you dislike a film they love?

I merely commented that if you like this movie then you must like every other movie you have seen. Simply put, this movie has the worse acting I have ever seen.

Why do you have to comment on something you don't seem to know much about?

I am commenting on a movie, I have seen about 3,000 movies, that about 360,000 hours of movie watching experience. I think I know what I am talking about.

There's enough one-note ignorance on the Web already: why contribute to it by, for instance, comparing Wharton and Austen, or criticizing actors for mannered and nuanced performances which are to be expected in a film adaptation of a novel of manners?

That's a mouthful. I never compared Austen to Wharton. Just because a book is about manners then acting has to be bad (mannered and nuanced). That makes no sense, you are saying it's suppose to be bad on purpose, I find that difficult to believe. I have seen better acting in pornos.

"Are you a real redhead? How do I tell if you're a real redhead?" - Dallas 'Dally' Winston


misterlint..maybe you're expectations are somewhat different than what the characters are doing? To me, at least, this is a "cagey" movie. By that I mean people aren't going to be flapping around emoting all over the place with their lines. "Cagey" movie for "cagey" people you know? Some of the characters aren't too giving of themselves if you get the drift. Lots of hidden agendas.


Here is a movie that has similar elements to The House of Mirth, but much better acting:

The Age of Innocence

"Are you a real redhead? How do I tell if you're a real redhead?" - Dallas 'Dally' Winston


Yes, good film and I'd think there was a lot of "caginess" there too....
As for HOM, maybe you didn't like the actors specifically a former "Blues Brother" who arguably could have been miscast??


LOL, one who likes Lifetime tv movies can't be expected to catch the nuances of this film.

But I have love in my heart - Yes, as a thief has riches, a usurer money


I think this is a great movie to get class reaction from,all the way from working class mokes to aristocratic bluebloods. And never the twain shall meet. The working class people can see how the other lives or used to live and the bluebloods could see themselves at one specific period of time from a mirror.
