Fanny Assingham

I have never seen this, but is that some kind of joke?


Nope: that's her name in the original Henry James novel.
It's even funnier when you know that Henry James was possibly a closet homosexual.


I'm sorry but I don't get the joke...
please explain?




Fanny= someones fanny (butt)

Assingham= the first three letters....

so both names have some reference to the butt


That's the American slang definition of fanny.

In England, the word fanny has a slightly different slang defintion:

Noun. 1. The female genitals. Its use may cause confusion in the U.S. where it means buttocks.
2. A female viewed as a sexual object.
(Scroll down)


Yes--Brits find it hilarious when an American woman mentions having fallen "flat on my fanny!" Well, the time I witnessed such a declaration, that was the reaction from the British folk present. Similar to the time a British lady invited one of her male American colleagues to "come and knock me up on Thursday." She was baffled as to what we all found so hilarious. Fanny Assingham, though--that's really something.
