You lucky buggers.

I'm of course referring to those lucky enough to have watched the telly-box that Halloween night in 1992. I can't think of a better film to top off Ghostwatch with than Carpenter's The Fog; that quiet sense of dread and foreboding, atmosphere you can cut with a knife, the pulsating soundtrack. Wish I could have lived it, unfortunately born in '93.
How many of you switched over to Channel 4 after Ghostwatch?


Me for sure. I was 12 and had to get my mummy to stay up and watch the fog with me!


Smokeyheniz Id still rather be your age

Anyway I was 11 when this came out and remember it very very well.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


I was 12 yrs old too, and had my Mummy stay up with
so chan 4 had the Fog on? I don't remember that, but bbc 2's halloween night was on full blast, what a grand saturday night on wonderful terrestrial television.]


Not me mate, I was 13 at the time and went to bed in a state of abject terror the moment Ghostwatch finished, and I don't mind admitting I insisted my on my mam tucking me in and my younger brother (also traumatised) sleeping top to tail with me.


There's no shame in that, poor mite. My first viewing was in late December, just before Christmas; scared the sh!t out of me. I need a tuck in now, just thinking about it...


I never felt very lucky lol

I was 12 when this aired and i thought it was real the whole way through, i lived a pretty shelterd life in regards to films and stuff as my mum was pretty strict, but i was staying at a friends house when it was on so was pretty much forced to watch it lol i just wanted to turn the tv over or go home and i couldnt

anyways, at 33 years old and i still cant watch anything that has ghosts etc in it

traumatised for life by this poxy tv show lol


Yes, we are pretty damn lucky!
Mind you, pretty much everything else in the 90s (and 80s, and 70s..) was crap, so don't be too yealous ;)

But yes having seen it at that exact moment and at that age, it made an impact I'll never forget.
Perhaps a bit like those people who listened to War of the Worlds when it was first broadcast in the 1930s.
It only works once.

Complaining about mistakes is almost as bad as complaining about complaining about mistakes.


i witched over to bbc 2 after ghostwatch..what a fanstartic weekend. Had my best mate round along with my sister and mother, all *beep* ourselves!]


I was 12 when this was broadcast. I was terrified - it still creeps me out watching it now 23 years later!
