MovieChat Forums > The Bank Job (2008) Discussion > Mick Jagger - Bank Clerk?

Mick Jagger - Bank Clerk?

I could have sworn that the bank clerk in the vault was Mick Jagger. Does anyone know if it was?


It definitely wasn't, but I thought the same thing for a second...


His name is in the full cast list!

Such a small love. Such a little tear.


is that mick jagger ?


Wrong! It's Phil Rapps - you can see a younger him by scrolling here:

The 'Jagger interview' is fake, and some idiot has added Jagger to the credits.



It is totally him. I knew it as soon as I saw his first scene. (Just because he's not in the credits doesn't mean it's not Mick). They - the director, etc. - took great pains to make sure he didn't look right in the camera.
Trust me, it's him.


Yes, both Jagger and Townshend are in the film, being great mates of the producers. Good eye, lads


Just saw the movie last night and thought it was just me!! I went on Mick's imdb page and didn't see the movie listed but it was sooooooo him.


Trust you?

I think not.

I'd lay one thousand GBP on the fact that it isn't him.

And Pete Townsend?! Now you lot really are taking the proverbial.


I'm watching it now, it's def him.


I believe it is him as well, just saw the movie and checked just to see whether somebody else thought so, too.
Would be interested to find out whether its true.


Aye, I dread to think what Townsend has in his safe deposit box.

Certainly not a book...


"Aye, I dread to think what Townsend has in his safe deposit box."

Wicked! Oh the horror..

BTW, Where in the movie is that alleged Townshend cameo anyway? I never spotted him?

That woman deserves her revenge. And we deserve to die.


i thought it was him too. crazy


You mean Pete Townshend? What scene was he in?


Sorry, but I'll trust the director, not you.

Roger Donaldson jokes about this on the DVD commentary track. It's not Jagger.


You mean the guy who looked like the boss from The Incredibles? No. The bank clerk had free earlobes. Mick's are attached. Not him.


I was sure the first moment I saw him - it's even more obvious when he comes to the vault the morning after it was robbed and looks through the bars. You see his face all to well - it is Mick Jagger.


1:02:50-1:02:59 of the movie

made a cap of his face here:

i know its not the best but its a really short scene and the steel bars are right in front of his face - i did my best.


Yup, that's him, nobody is as ugly as that


I wondered, but wasn't really sure.
Now that you posted the cap, deaddrinkingtequilaz; that nose, those lips, it's unmistakable.


You are all very silly people.



Whether it is him or not, Mick Jagger was probably the most famous man Princess Margaret was rumored to have had an affair with. Perhaps he's the chap in the photos.


"Whether it is him or not, Mick Jagger was probably the most famous man Princess Margaret was rumored to have had an affair with. Perhaps he's the chap in the photos"
Not unless he morphed into 2 black men.


No way! Mick Jagger and princess Margaret? How would he have got a hard on?


Loved this movie. I saw it today, best movie I've seen in a long long time. Unpredictable entertainment is so hard to find. This movie mixes humour, suspense, sex, violence an drama to make a total entertainment package. I wasn't familiar with any of the stars but everyone was terrific. The accent was a little difficult for these California ears at first but I want to see it again.

I also thought it was Jagger when I saw it. I believe it was, check out the YouTube preview... at (41 second mark)

Gotta be him.


LOL that is why i kept thinking, hmmm i no this man

The following statement is true:
The above statement is false.


It's him and the Pete Townsend comments were right too.

Here's a article on NETCELEBS

NetCelebs: You were actually in the movie The Bank Job?

Mick Jagger: Yes I was. So was Pete(Townsend of The Who). They were putting us all in there like mad. Now that I've seen the picture and saw it was in the early seventies it made sense to me.

NC: A lot of people didn't think it was weren't credited at all!

MJ: I wasn't in the movie that long. It wasn't Freejack or anything where I had a majority part in the movie. I am a big fan of Stathams, I really think what he does in movies is sublime.

NC: As in action/adventure hero staple of Stallone and them or just acting wise?

MJ: James Dean invented cool and Elvis invented rock n roll and then The Beatles came and shook up America and pretty much revolutionized something big. Jason Statham is just like that in a a sense I guess. The more movies, especially the ones like these, that he continues to make will only make his star that much brighter.

NC: You're comparing him to some heavy artistic people.

MJ: Well nobody will be The Beatles and Elvis, I'm just saying what he is to movies.

NC: Well good luck and thanks for talking to us.

MJ: Sure thing.

Judging from that I would love to know more of where that conversation would lead and I think Mick was out of his element!!!


While we're on the subject of 60s rock stars, was it John Lennon in one of the black and whtie 8x10s with "Michael X"?


In the bar scene, Keith Moon played the blonde dancer with the dark bush.


While we're on the subject of 60s rock stars, was it John Lennon in one of the black and whtie 8x10s with "Michael X"?

If that character is Alan Swoffer, you're right, according to the cast listed here on IMDb. But that same list credits Vogel's driver as one Ray Nicholas:

So, no Pete Townshend there for sure.

'All music is folk music. I ain't never heard no horse sing no song' - Louis Armstrong


There were two drivers, they let the first one go........Remember.


Yes, but the one discussed was the second one, the Townshend lookalike aka Ray Nicholas (look at his picture on his IMDb page).

'All music is folk music. I ain't never heard no horse sing no song' - Louis Armstrong


it's weird, Mick Jagger's ears are connected and the bank clerks wasn't.


Hey, I just edited this pic from the movie so you can see for yourselves...


Reasonably recent photo of Mick:

It's only the ears that look different.


Thats weird isnt it? Someone posted an interview where Jagger said it was him, so I wonder how they changed the ears? Perhaps they did it on purpose as part of the process of making him look a bit more unrecognisable.


Actually although I think it does look very like Jagger (and I have to say I didn't notice the character at all in the film) it does also remind me of another British bit actor but I've no idea of his name.


I thought it was him as well. I was like WTF is Mick Jagger doing in this movie? The short hair makes him look a lot worse and he was a bit squirrely. I really wouldn't have recognized him if it weren't for that last scene he was in.

I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me.


With the advanced prosthetics and computer graphics these days, it would be easy to change a man's ear lobes in the movie.


That is not Mick Jagger.

Look carefully...

The nose of the bank clerk is significantly different in shape from Mick Jaggers. The tip of Mick's nose is more pointed, not bulbous like the bank clerk's. Mick Jagger also has a prominent bump on the bridge of his nose that is absent from the bank clerk.

The bank clerk's profile shows a more prominent nose to chin than Mick Jagger.

The bank clerk's nasolabial folds are significantly different than Mick Jaggers.

And many have mentioned the ears.

But, the bank clerk does seem to be about the same height as Mick Jagger. And he really does resemble him, but that is not him.

But, yeah, they spent a lot of time and money to subtly alter Mick Jaggers facial features for a role that involves 30 seconds of screen time and two quiet words of dialogue. Throw in the whole Merkin controversy and you have a conspiracy!


A bigger and recent photo of Jagger.

My opinion is that the clerk is definitely NOT HIM as Navin_R_Johnson and others pointed out.

BUT I found too many references... like

...that HE WAS HIM. So...


According to Mick Jagger's IMDb page it was him. He is listed as (uncredited) Bank Employee-Safe Deposit.

Check it out...listed as No. 1 under 'Actor'
