needs redone

its quite insulting to call it Brian Jacques Redwall, then completely change key scenes and tone it down. It ceases to be Brian Jacques when you start messing with the source material.

I mean Methuselah surviving!? come on! wheres the sacrifice and grief brought about by war when all the characters are only lightly wounded.

I'm really disappointed with the way this turned out. Here's hoping someones comes along and really makes it as it ought to be. I'd love to direct a Redwall movie ^_^


Methuselah Dies a few episodes later from his injuries.


It was a bloody lovely series for people who didn't read the books however.


Really amazing for western animation. The only thing on TV I can think of that could rival it (correction: blow it out of the water) would be Avatar.

Then again, if I'm wrong, direct me to some great western animation series, please.


Well for one it was on basic television, two it was put out for young kids, so with this in mind a rabbit chucking six pikes and owning like ten rats in very gruesome fashion would have been a bit much. Though when i was like ten watching this i did think the same thing lol

Evil must be punished. Even in the face of armageddon I will not compromise in this.
