Feminazi Law

nuff said

Such was that happy Garden-state,
While man there walked without a mate


Right, and from what I've seen of this series it very poorly reflects or rather completely ignores the rampant discrimination and rights trampling of fathers and men in these types of cases. Instead, the "creators" of this grotesquely twist that reality into some kind of bogus feminist payback type of series. Using such a setting to convey that is actually truly low on the creator of this series part. Perhaps he was just delusional or ignorant, but just maybe he really was attemtpting to push a deliberate agenda to help coverup or take whatever little attention there was away from the widespread discrimination against fathers in divorce court in REAL LIFE and instead make believe that women/mothers are the ones who get the short end of the stick. How sickening to think that.

Fortunately, this piece of junk was shortlived and was cancelled soon enough, although never seeing the light of airtime at all would have been much preferable.
