
I think she was a very selfish and crappy mother. She made Jason feel like he had to be responsible for her. She played the I'm your mother you have to do everything for me and I come first card way too much.


Perhaps because she was 15 when she had him, still very much in the egocentric stage of immaturity. Personally, I'm glad they didn't try and frost it to make her look like a better mother. She has moments of mother behavior. But probably pretty spot on portrayal.


Oh, man. Bev was the worst mom! I wanted to slap her for most of the movie. I know she thought she was doing what was best, but the entire time she was selfish and looking out for herself. She never bonded with her son because he wasn't the girl she wanted.


Compared to some of the girls on Teem Mom, she did a better job than most of them. She never got a addicted to drugs, she didn't make a sex tape, she didn't give it up when it was too hard, she got her masters degree and published a book and got Jason to go to college as well. My mother always said that your good/bad parenting usually depends on the kind of person your child grows up to be, and considering what a great young man Jason turned out to be, she did something right.
Now don't get me wrong, shes made a lot of mistakes, and I mean a LOT. There were moments when I wanted to shout at her. Shes by no means mother of the year. But I sympathize with her, because she literally had to sacrifice everything for her son. She was thrown into this when she was just 15, when your a teen mom, your growing up with your child and you have to raise yourself and a kid. Its a really *beep* situation and its not like Ray was a good dad either, he was right when he said that leaving was the best thing he could ever do.
