Jackie Chan Scene

Where is jackie chan in this movie or should i say what part does he play

cheers dave


Jackie appears for ostensibly all of a few seconds(!) during one or two of the fight sequences in the original non-ninja film segments in this.
I say ostensibly because I couldn't actually discern him as being present at all myself - perhaps we should set up a competetition ala 'Where's Waldo' or something to see if anyone can indeed pinpoint him ;o)

For what its worth, Jackie is also apparently featured briefly (yet received erroneous headline billing!) in similar sequences in a number of other cut & splice Godfrey Ho ninja classics such as the decidedly confusing Ninja Thunderbolt although again, blink and you'll miss him.

Yep, it's seems to be just another punter pulling trick utilised by our old friend the Ho'ster and his partner in crime Joseph Lai.

For a similar and even more hilarious piece of misleading billing from these cinematic scoundrels check out Ninja Champion which 'stars' the one and only Dragon Lee.......only trouble is, he actually only appears in said flick for about five or so seconds!!!

