Funniest line

This movie gets more hilarious each time I watch it. I only wish I understood Japanese, so I won't have to rely on the subtitles. These are my favorite lines:

"Hey, Baldy. You didn't have to take everything off, jackass!"

"Then you'll have to call me 'daddy'. Try it. Say 'daddy'. Say it, you little sh!t."




When Kikujiro is pretending to be blind when hitchiking, and then he comments on the guys car and the driver says "What the hell, you're not blind!" And drives off. That was so funny I nearly wet myself.

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My favorite line (and part)was when the guy popped the car tire and the car falls in the ditch "RUN!!!" ha!


I like the exchanges between Beat and the child at the race track, when the kid keeps giving him wrong numbers, and he keeps getting more and more frustrated. Good stuff.


The scene where he pretends to be blind is a classic, especially when he's whacking his walking stick off of the guy's car bonnet. The way he gives away that he isn't blind is brilliant.


i thought that one scene when kikujiro is making all those bets on the bike races, and the bald guy is all, "aww man i lost again" and then kikujiro says "go away baldy, you're making me blind!" i dont think they were the exact words but man were they funny!!!


I love the part where Fatso is swinging, and he falls in the pool of mud and starts crying! me and my brother had been laughing most of the movie, but that took the cake.

the flat tire scene and the blindness scene are also amazing, of course.

"Beautiful evening. you can almost see the stars..."


Haha I saw it again last night, and I loved that one! But I was wondering... are those are leeches on his face? Is that why he's crying & everyone's running away?

Another great scene that cracked me up was in the beginning when Kikujiro & his wife are arguing. It goes something like:

Wife: His mom left.
Kiku: Probably ran off with some guy.
Wife: Are we talking about your mom?
Kiku: Hey, yours was married 3 times!
Wife: Lay off my mom!
Kiku: Same goes for you, dammit!!
[glare at each other]



Kikujiro trying to swim.

"Ah storwee wike mine ha ne'er bean towld." - Chiyo.


The scene where they leave the Hotel when he hits a kid on the head and you just see the parents suddenly appear.
I don't know why I thought that was so funny!

"If you want results, press the red button. The rest are useless."


"When Kikujiro is pretending to be blind when hitchiking
whole scene


"When Kikujiro is pretending to be blind when hitchiking
whole scene

Just watched it again... hilarious. It cracks me up when he points to the ornament & says "Stupid decoration!" Totally random and of course he's supposed to be blind...

Lately I find myself randomly pointing to things and saying Stupid decoration.
no one gets it


How can I possibly pick just one? I was laughing through pretty much every minute of this movie. The whole swimming pool scene was hilarious, and so was the often-mentioned hitchhiking scene where he was pretending to be blind. I loved the way he slipped up. "New car? This piece of junk? Look at that stupid decoration! [points at it]"

R.I.P President Hugo Chavez 1954 - 2013


Yes, I loved the part where he pretended to be blind, also how he kept asking the kid for numbers to bet on and lost all his money. Also when he took the sandwiches in the paper bag from the guy seated at the bus-stop next to him and replaced it with oranges. He told the boy to eat the sandwiches, saying the sometimes adults should make sacrifices for children, but kept one sandwich hidden for himself. As he was munching on the sandwich outside the bus-stop away from the boy, he fell into a ditch. I couldn't stop laughing at that scene.
