salad tossing?

Yep. Meg Ryan, America's sweetheart, buck-naked on all fours, tossing Mark Ruffalo's salad. Nothing else matters. Ever. Meg Ryan on all fours eating ass.

Seriously. Twilight? BNattleship? Lincoln? The Hobbit? Meg mutha-scrathin-Ryan, doggie-style butt-ass nekked, eating Mark Ruffalo's poop-chute. It's right there, on film. I cannot unsee it. See for yourself how Meg Ryan destroyed her career. (BEFORE she got the "trout-pout")

You've got mail, indeed.
Son, you can't polish a turd


I think you got it wrong. It was the other way around. HE tossed HER salad.


Um, ya. I agree with Mike. O.P. you are a little confused I think, lol.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


I agree. The OP got it backwards.


Interesting that you misinterpreted it that way.
Perhaps you should see someone about that.
