People help!

For the love of God, help me! For the past 5 years I have been searching frantically for a song from HG. I was hoping some kindhearted soul on this site, would be able to help. =p.

The song I'm looking for is played during the "Bobby Joe and Gillian" rehearsal, when Shelby and Scott are acting. It's the scene where Shelby says goodbye to Scott, because she's forced to return home, through the part she plays as Gillian. It's a great scene, and that song is heartwrenching.

The information I have been able to gather is that the song is called "Good woman" and it's sung by a guy called Greg Wood.

"For the love of a good woman, I'll love you for forever baby".

If someone knows where I can locate this song, please let me know. Or if you perhaps have it on your PC at home, please send it to me! Thanks a million!

If something tries to rip your throut out, I got you covered.


I came across your post and happened to have my I-tunes open at the time and did a quick search. The only Greg Wood that comes up has one album called "Ash Wednesday" and the song isn't on it. There is a and he has his own myspace page. I'm sorry I wasn't able to find the song but maybe this will help your search along. If anything, it might help you rule this guy out- or find out that this song was something he'd done very early in his career and never recorded on anything released by an actual label. There is so much great music from this show but they were all generally unknowns and local bands. When Napster first came out I spent an ungodly amount of time trying to track down certain songs only to find out I'd have to send out to, like, Alaska to get a single directly from the band, etc etc. It sucks the the show didn't last long enough or kick up enough dust to have it come out on DVD (I'm still lookin) or have it's own soundtrack.
