What channel?

Ok. I have comcast cable, and I have been searching for it for a while, and still I cant find it. Can someone please tell me what channel it comes on, and what time?


I heard they took it off for good


Really? Well wouldnt there be reruns?




Thank you but someone on here said that they canceled the reruns.
Why would they cancel the reruns?


cna u tell me
i live in toronto and i wanna no
it sounds like a kool show


can u tell me
i live in toronto and i wanna no
it sounds like a kool show


where i am its on the womens network at 2pm , and where i am its on channel 60... this is in canada , ontario btw


I have recently got into the show, and i have been able to watch clips on youtube, there is one user that has been posting full episodes up in parts. right now, she has episode 1, and 12-18. she is working on getting the rest up. but ya u can always go there. the link is:http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=jedimistress66

and also, i read a bulletin on youtube that says that starting september 2006, reruns are supposed to be returning to EWAM (one of the encore channels) here in the United States....for me in california its channel 222, but im sure it varies. so ya keep an eye out for higher ground on Encore Wam in september. ok i think thats all the info i got..hope it helps!



I know what time they are on cweeks1988 (well, only in Canada)...

I saw the show on the 'W' Network channel (channel 21) at 1:00 in the afternoon and i think 6 in the morning.

It is also on the Vision channel (channel 51) on fridays at 3:00pm.

Hope I helped!!
