Daisy and her piercings

so i pretty much said the same thing in the Life As a House board, regarding the character of Sam, but it bears repeating.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show but about Daisy having to remove her piercings when she checked in to Horizon- i got problems with this.

Daisy having piercings has nothing to do with her 'problems' and actually neither does wearing lots of black clothing, its just what she likes. They don't make kids checking in remove their 'standard lobe' ear piercings so she shouldn't have to remove her non-lobe piercings. It's just stupid.

I may be able to accept the idea that the sole reason for Daisy getting piercings was to piss off her parents and rebel and what not. But THAT idea just gets really really old and really really tired.

I have multiple non-lobe piercings and if I'm 'weird' its because I'm weird, not because there's metal through my body. It means next to nothing..

Okay guys, I'm done with my bs now.

Detective... Thrill Me!


I don't think it was just because she has a lot of piercings, i think it was part of the school. they girls also weren't allowed to wear makeup. i have also read books and girls aren't allowed to wear revealing clothing and stuff like that, so i don't think it really mattered where the piercings were


yeah i actually thought about that after posting that. When Shelby just has on a bikini top when they're all hiking and Hannah makes her put her shirt back on- pisses me off too, lol... I went to a public school that had a VERY strict dress code, so thats probably where most of my bi+ching comes from, lol....

Detective... Thrill Me!
