Setting of the Show...

So I know the show was filmed in Canada, and I know most of the actors are also canadian...but where exactly is Mt. Horizon supposed to be? On Wikipedia it says it's in Canada, but in the show they mention places in the U.S. Like Peter travels to New York to visit his dad, and Shelby mentions once how she slept for a week under the Santa Monica Pier (I'm assuming she means Santa Monica, California). And yah...OK NY isn't that far from the border, and sure, Shelby could've ran away to another country. But in the episode where we learn that Auggie is dyslexic, there's a scene in a classroom where they're learning about American History...which I imagine they wouldn't necessarily care about in Canada. So I dunno...I guess it's just kinda bothering me. lol Which in turn results in me


I always got the impression it took place somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. I think it was supposed to take place in Washington state. I don't know for sure - that's just me guessing. :)


lol yah I think I was always under the impression it was pacific northwest too. I was watching some episodes online, and they mention a town named Agnes...but I have no idea where that would be. lol So washington state sounds good to me!


I agree with the above. I assumed Shelby was from CA - her Mom's car had a CA license plate. Daisey is from Colorado and Auggie is from Oakland - I'm guessing CA. It's intimated that Juliette is an L.A. brat and Scott is from Seattle.


In that one epp. where Shelbys sis. runs away. dosen't she mentioned somthing about being in seatle?


her sister says that she ran out of money in Seattle, so i always assumed it was in Washington state


Yep thats what I thought. She said she saw a sign for Horzion farms and she jumped out? It must not have been much father till she got to horizon.


I'm pretty sure it was set North West too. It was filmed in Canada yes, but it wasn't set in Canada.


It's set in the town of Agnes in Washington. I have all of the shows on tape and in one of the earlier episodes they mention that it's in Washington... not sure which one.


I always thought it was set in Seattle-Washington know CLOSE to Canada, but not actually in it, even though it was filmed there *rolls eyes* being a Canadian, I wish Canadian work had more pride for itself...but I guess if it was set in Canada, Americans wouldn't watch it and then it wouldn't be popular (although Degrassi is still going strong).



"they're learning about American History...which I imagine they wouldn't necessarily care about in Canada"

LOL of course we (Canadians) take US history in school - we're not ignorant! hahaha i know i didn't answer the question, I was too distracted by that statement.
