This is so bad...

I just want to warn you, so that you won´t have to spend your money renting this piece of trash...

This movie is so bad I had to turn it off after less then ½-hour, it´s really really really bad. The picture-quality and acting was about as good as any really bad low budget porn...


I'll have to agree, this movie sucks. I couldn't sit through the whole thing either.



Dude, this is a made for TV movie...of course the acting, picture quality, and sound are not going to be that good - i on the other hand loved the general story for the movie, i was very disappointed that it wasn't made for the big screen
BUT i will agree that the second one was sooo bad that it made em wanna cry

Oz: This is just the kind of sense thats....Not.


BUT i will agree that the second one was sooo bad that it made em wanna cry

who is them or "em" as you say it?


he prolly meant to say "me" u idiot


by - LyfeTimeHangover on Sat Jun 19 16:07:54
he prolly meant to say "me" u idiot

Ok. no need for namecalling. I did not know kodiak was speaking for "you", Lyfetimehangover.


Lol the sequel is much worse.
It was just exaclty like the 1st movie it was basically a remake



I dont know, both movies were obviously cheesy made for tv movies, and most of the acting was, indeed, abismal. but personally i thought judd nelson's performance was not only very well done but hilarious in the way he said each line and made each face. The second one was also hilarious in that it was so outstandingly stupid.


Both films were briliant and Judd Nelson is a brilliant actor.


I think this movie and the sequal totally suck!
bad acting and a bad script leads to a extreme waste of time,
a couple of hours better spent hanging upside down above a shark tank!

Also i think this Judd Nelson character is giving a total crappy performance, from what i've seen of his work im afraid i'll have to say he's a terrible actor...


Okay keneda_ninja, it's not like I have anyting against Judd Nelson, infact, I love a lot of his work, but I have to say that this movie completely sucked.

Have you ever stoped to think, and then forgot to start again?




The movie was good and so was the acting. I have to agree, the
second one was the worst sequal, I have ever seen.



nothing wrong wth the picture quality, i suggest you get a pair of glasses to see properly, you moron.


you lie. this movie is awesome. get off this board troll!

I have to return some video tapes.


It's awesome!


Would you like some hot coffee - in your face?!!! - Bert Macklin, FBI


This movie was great. I rented it at Blockbuster (wow, remember those) on a whim, and was shocked at how good it was. True, the villain's killings weren't the best (an underwater dead body garden?), but it was still very good.
