Rapunzel QUIZ

1.) What was Claude’s trade?
a) Candle making
b) Cooking
c) Steel worker
d) Mayor

2.) What did the witch make Marie crave?
a) Radish
b) Eggs
c) Tomatoes
d) Corn

3.) What did the witch threaten to do to Claude and Marie for the theft of her radishes?
a) Sing for them
b) Adopt them
c) Feed them
d) Kill them

4.) How did she incapacitate Claude and Marie?
a) Covered them in wax
b) Froze them
c) Made them sick
d) Killed them

5.) What did the Witch name the baby after?
a) Herself
b) Radish
c) Claude
d) Marie

6.) What did the Witch do to keep Rapunzel in the tower?
a) Fed her too much
b) Told her to stay
c) Locked her in
d) Scared her

7.) What did the Witch give Rapunzel as a companion?
a) Squirrel
b) Cat
c) Dog
d) Parrot

8.) Who came across Rapunzel in her tower by accident?
a) Claude
b) Prince Henry
c) Flynn Ryder
d) Marie

9.) Who spilled the beans about Rapunzel and Henry?
a) Henry
b) Rapunzel
c) Parrot
d) Claude

10.) How did Rapunzel cure Henry’s eyesight?
a) Singing
b) Magic tear
c) Feeding him
d) Massaged them

