When will this be on DVD???

I too caught this series in the 80's, and it's follow-up, "Connections". Having a background in science and technology, I was able to relate to the processes outlined in the series. The way James Burke relates the material reminds me of the pure science books of Issac Asimov, that helped me get through college Chemistry, Physics, etc. Wonderful stuff!

So when will this be on DVD???

Keith L


Actually Connections came first. 1978. And I have found copies of The Day but they have been obscenely expensive. check out Amazon or Ebay.


I saw it a couple of times in the 80s. I don't think it's ever been officially released, and am not sure it ever will.


Correction; it has, but it's $80 per DVD or VHS tape. A little pricey if you ask me.


This is coming to Netflix in 02/09!



This is available on Netflix now. I just finished watching all 5 discs.


www.documentary-video.com FYI - just released in home video. Canada & U.S.


BTW, I've been watching the series on YouTube. Connections is there too. The quality is crappy, of course, but I plan to get the series for Christmas this year ;-)

Keith L


5 disc set is getting released in Australia the 25th September.



It's on Amazon right now in a 5 disc set priced at $134.99.
