Agree and Disagree

I do not think that Jesse Ventura wanted to do the story that way, I think that was mainly the producers doing. I cannot tell you about some of the factual things that were wrong and I felt if was more of how the events in his life helped form and shape him as a person and why he may have decided to go into politics. If something is "normal" producers and directors always have to dramatize things, true, slightly true or not true. I am not sure Jesse agreed with it, but had no say in the actual production.

I don't know much about his wrestling career or wrestling history, but I can believe it was fudged a little or a lot. I think it was trying to make a point of how political things are in every phase of everyday life as opposed to something that actually happened.

Overall, I liked it and thought it was worth a view. And, in spite of the fudging, it was the point that I found interesting. I can relate to the politics of nonsense things, I was in the Army and that is so political and mirco-managed that it is down right incompetent. At the workplace too.
