Wow, Jeff was cute!

I watched this show when I was a kid and stopped at about age seven. I'm in my twenties now and had almost forgotten about it until recently. I looked for information on the internet and was surprised, when I saw pictures, to see how cute Jeff was. I guess I was too young to appreciate him then. Does anybody else agree that he was really cute?


I for sure do, fairyqueen. I have had a (celebrity)crush on Jeff and Jay Underwood since I was around 5. Those were my first 2. :)



I'm a guy-so to say he is hot or handsome would
be not right--but indeed this guy was a chick magnet
mostly cause of his youthfull looks!!!!

The fact he was a brilliant dancer, and sang so
greatly made him so much better!!- I loved when
he sang in TS!!!



I always thought that he was a ringer for Barry Williams (Greg Brady)


That's funny, I have heard people compare him to Joel Grey and Gene Wilder.
