Trying to remember...

I was about 4 years old and used to love this show. I remember a sequence where there was this little ballerina doll and 4 other animal toys, and they came to life and did this dance.

Anyone else remember this?


Oh, yes. This was one of Muffy Mouse's favourite fantasies. She often did this by using one of Waldo's magic books for them to come alive and dance for her, and of course, all of us. Very, very cute. :)



This is ridiculous, but I used to have recurring dreams about that. You know, some people have the dream about showing up late for the SAT, some people it's naked at their wedding. Mine was certainly not that linear. Until I was about 8, I would have these dreams where all the characters and I were in my mom's red volvo station wagon and we pulled out of our driveway, and couldn't control the car. Kinda scarry now that I think about it. And weird considering I was only alive for like a year and half of this show being aired.



I remember that one too Wasn't there like a little gazebo or something Muffy was in during one of her fantasies?

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.


here is the old clip it is under dance and the second one in dance there are mopre clips from todays special there
