Reunion show!!

It has been confirmed by Nina Keogh (voice/puppeteer of Muffy) that the four main stars of "TS" has been interested in getting together and doing a reunion show for years!! The problem is TVOntario, who says that this would be too expensive! I also contacted TVO about possibly releasing "TS" on DVD and they said that that would be too expensive as well. Nina says that she thinks they are underestimating the fan base and I agree with her.

It sounds like TVO (or somebody) needs to be pressured by the fans in order for the reunion special or the DVDs to happen. Please, let them know that you miss your favorite children's show.


If they ever do this, they need to get Jeff out of the store, or make him into a real person. He's still trapped there in my mind . . . for the last 20 years!


I don't think it would be that kind of reunion show. It would be more or less a reminiscing, commentary sort of thing, I would imagine. Most fans of the show are at the youngest well in their 20s now.


It would be great if it were a live event and we could buy tickets :)
