Simply Not Very Good

I downloaded this via Amazon/TiVo for 99 cents but still feel slightly cheated. I'll try and list some good parts of the movie:

1) For a low budget production, the casting was good. The side characters mostly shined even if they were two dimensional.

2) Intriguing premise. A Vampire wants to have a normal life, so he joins an 'AA' type program tailored to vampires.

The Bad

1) The lead is woefully miscast. I understand you're not going to get an A or even B list celebrity for something like this, but vampires should be capable of exuding a certain air of menace, and at many points in the script the actor is called upon to do so. He does not deliver, and the suspension of disbelief is hurt because of it.

2) More exposition is certainly needed. The VA (Vampires Anonymous) Group seems to be a super wealthy conspiracy, but this is never cleared up making me wonder what exactly they were? What is the protagonist's back story? Even the nature of vampires themselves seem to vary with how much blood they've recently ingested. Who is this hunter sent after him, and why is she a 'Corporate Hunter'? We see a magazine (Cosmovampitan or something), does the world know about vampires?
Really, it's all too confusing, but I suppose you're not supposed to think about it.

3) Why is the hero driving a scooter with all those mirrors? What the heck was up with that?

4) Some scenes were obviously cut yet used as flashbacks or premonitions or....something. At one point the hero's sidekick, 'Diesel', gets a vision of a bunch of people being attacked by vampires. Yet these vampires never materialize in the film. Huh?

5) For that matter, why was the sheriff trying to frame Diesel? So he would be secured a promotion? The deputy, sheriff, whatever he was, his motivations were murky at best.

6) The ending. Again: Huh? We learn he is 500 years old. He makes a faux bravado death speech, apparently not wanting to bite his girlfriend (because that would save him? who knows, they never explain it), then they are seen riding his scooter into the sunset.

All in all, I would say this is a 'True Blood' rip off, only it came years before True Blood. It strives for that same balance of small town charm meets the supernatural, but fails on an epic level.

If you have some simpletons in your life, or those with mental impairments, this might be a great rainy day treat for them. Anyone else can find greater entertainment value for less than the 99 cents I shelled out.
