Have some translations

I saw the original version in Japanese with English subtitles and was able to obtain some translations.

On Odo Island, as the boy & old man are looking out to sea...

Old Man: I just can't imagine it. Could it be a volcano?
Boy: Izuma! Is there something out there?
Old Man: Ah, it's a raft! Hey! There's a raft out there!
Boy: A raft is coming this way!
Old Man: A raft is coming!

In the electrical station, the lighted sign that flashes on before they throw the switch reads "Third District"

When the policemen are clustered around the police car listening to the radio...

Announcer: Initiate Security Command code 129! Initiate Security Command code 129! Prepare to repel attack while carrying out firefighting procedures. Concentrate efforts to rescue casualties. Initiate Security Command code 129! Initiate Security Command code 129!

(Godzilla's head appears above the buildings)

Policeman: Run!

(Godzilla blasts the car)

As the woman comforts her children while Godzilla & the flames approach...

Woman: We'll be joining your father in a moment! A little longer, a little longer and we'll be with your daddy!

When Godzilla approaches the TV tower with the reporters on it...

TV Announcer: We are reporting to you live from a short wave transmitter.
Godzilla is now approaching this broadcasting station, heading toward our TV tower!

(Godzilla roars)

TV Announcer: There is no time for us to take cover! We do not know what will happen to us! It is getting even closer! It looks like our doom!

(Godzilla bites the tower)

TV Announcer: I'm watching as it grabs onto the tower! It has incredible strength! This broadcast is over! Goodbye everyone! Goodbye!

As the security personnel are evacuating the building (just before Raymond Burr says into his recorder "This is it, George")...

Announcer on P.A.: All personnel to the shelters! All personnel to the shelters! Quickly, please! Quickly, please! Operational Command Staff, proceed to shelter 306!

Also, in place of Raymond Burr, there was a Japanese reporter in the original version describing the various districts Godzilla was stomping through (Ueno, Shihabara, Tamachi, Chiba, etc..) which the Japanese audience could relate to.


Yeah, the Japanese version is so much better than Godzilla, King of the Monsters! It has more depth, feel, and is much more frightening. Gojira 1954 all the way!
