Why do you watch Godzilla Movies???

Always enjoy a good Godzilla movie when I am in a blue funk. For some reasion they pull me out and let me forget my Troubles for a few hours.

Thank you You great Big Lug.

Q: How does Soylent Soda taste?
A: It varies from person to person.


I love the old versions of all these movies because of the cheesy special effects.

I get a chuckle thinking "did gluing horns and plates on a lizard then filming it on an undersized set really work to make it look real?"

Back in the '50's I guess it did!!

"Go back to your oar, Forty One."



I grew up on them, and find them great for nostalgia.

"Do you mind if I don't smoke?" ---Groucho Marx


I enjoy monster movies so anything featuring a monster of any type I enjoy.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


Because Godzilla's a dinosaur and dinosaurs are cool.

I've watched him, read about him, built models of him since I was a child.

I even like Godzilla '98.

If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong!


Because Godzilla is the BOMB!!!!!!!!

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Like, literally...

If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong!
