Best DVD Version?

From what I have read, it look like I should go with:

Gojira Deluxe Collector's Edition 2 DVD Set

I want to see the original Japenese release with english subtitles, and maybe I would give a chance to the American version, and I think they are both on this set.

Can someone second this, or correct me?


Yep, this set has them both! The English subtitles are switchable in the Japanese version, so you can watch "Gojira" with or without them. Fascinating to compare the two versions. And both discs also contain commentary tracks.


Here in New Zealand we have one that has both the '54 one and the '56 one on one disc. Pretty cool set. I don't know if this one is the same though.


The two disc release of both versions by Criterion looks and sounds terrific.

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