Scenes We'd Like to See

RAYMOND BURR (talking into radio microphone): This is Steve Martin reporting from Tokyo, where an immense prehistoric monster is destroying all in his path . . .

VOICE FROM RADIO: Sorry to interrupt, Steve, this is Bob back at the network. Could you speak up? We can hardly hear you!

BURR: I'll start again. This is Steve Martin from--

VOICE: No good, Steve. Still not good.

BURR: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm using equipment that was old when Tojo was a boy,
a big monster is smashing up buildings all around me, and you can't hear me? WELL, EXCUUUUUSE MEEEE!!!"

I know, it's silly.


Emiko naked


I'll second that. She was a cutie.


Godzilla eating Steve Martin in the first ten minutes of the movie, so we're not subjected to any more of Raymond Burr's "acting" than we need to be.

If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong!


Godzilla eating Steve Martin in the first ten minutes of the movie, so we're not subjected to any more of Raymond Burr's "acting" than we need to be.

Impossible. Godzilla's doc had him on a low fat diet. 275 pounds of ham would be over the top.
