A Trio of Flaws

1) Where's Hank? I just love his hair, voice, etc.
2) Where's Miss Theresa aka Mrs Jake Slicker?
3) At the series finale Grace told Robert E she was pregnant. Now in this movie it's been four years since then. Where's Grace and Robert E's child?


Yea and where is Matthew??


I know this reply is years later but at least they mentioned Mathew. The above 3 were totally forgotten as if they'd never happened. It seems like a couple of lines of dialogue could have solved all three of those problems but nope not a word.

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.

..Bored now..


Not even a word of explanation. True flaws.


I just watched this on dvd for the first time since it first aired years ago.

I'm wondering why Cloud Dancing was returning from Montana when he had been given protected status in Colorado Springs to travel safely for trade purposes to and from the town, and had only returned from there because he felt compelled to. And why he would leave Dorothy? In scenes with Dorothy and Cloud Dancing it did seem like they were still together as a couple so what gives with him leaving for another state, I wonder? Just seems a little weird to me when it would have been just as easy to keep him in CS and not bother with some confusing story as to why he suddenly showed up to help. He's Cloud Dancing for cryin' out loud LOL. He's Sully's Cheyenne brother, he doesn't need an excuse to be there!

But really, no Hank? Not even an explanation if William Shockley perhaps was unavailable, as to where Hank was? Perhaps visiting his son or something? Anything? Good grief even Horace's daughter got a mention.

I'm not even going to get into the glaring inconsistencies with the second movie and this one. Suffice it to say I think they should not have set the second one chronologically BEFORE this one was set, or they should have set this one prior to 1876, which is what they did for the second movie (the centennial was a part of the plot). Definitely would have saved a lot of confusion, especially since Katie would have been older than 4 years old in 1877, when this one was set, and Sully stated that she was 4.

I still enjoyed both movies a lot, but it would have been nice if some character history had been followed a little bit better.
