Jahi J.J. Zuri

zuri is by far the best actor in the world!

check out the scene at the drug deal when he looks into the camera like a dumbass...i was stunned by his brilliance!


Haha, yeah he's great!

I've actually seen about 80% of all the movies he's ever made, more or less, so I should know.. he was great in "Omega Doom"


..but he was of course the first one to bite the dust, because he was the only black dude in that movie.


I also loved the fact that he put a ponytail on his temple in Corrupt, and Albert Pyun didn't mind one bit! LOL

But seriously, does he need the "J.J." part of his screen name? I mean, are there any other Jahi Zuri's out there??



well what can albert say?...i think theyre all just a bunch of friends having a laugh together.

and i doubt this albert pyun have the moviemaking experience to feel that his work is crap....hes probably one of those people who thinks theyre full of talent and can talk their way into anything.

Ive never seen him but i can imagine hes very very intense....full speed ahead, never looking at himself in a bad way. He wants actionpacked gangwarfare with the coolset hoodies around, and in his head it happens!....to bad he cant sit down for 2 sec and really watch his own movies without adding his imagination.

but i think i like it.....albert pyun and zuri side by side....you can not get a more extreme combination. the lack of skill is legendary


Yeah, I'm quite sure him and his actors just make movies for the hell of it, and don't really give much thought to being commercial and making money.. that's what I really like about him and his movies, even though they're (mostly) horrible, it's in a fun kinda of way, which makes them worth seeing. Some might even argue that he's an "ateur" of sorts, with his common themes of futuristic dystopia and kickboxing.. fantastic stuff.

However, these "Urban"-movies really suck, suck, S-U-C-K.
The audio-commentaries help, though, so make sure you get a copy which has that.

I don't think I've ever seen a picture with both Pyun and Zuri together at the same time.. but it must be a sight for the gods. Especially if they both have a pony-tail, Jahi has his on the temple of course, and Pyun has his semi-mullet with normal looking hair and then a ponytail that almost touches his ***.
