330 million

So Erin recieved a two million dollar bonus. The lawyer earned at least half of 130 million because the other half went to the other firm. It seems like 2 million dollars is a little considering she did more than half the work (well according to the movie).


It was actually $333 million, but I agree Ed made an absolute fortune off this case and Erin should have received more than 2 mil for all her work and sacrifice (including 634 blow jobs in five days) which ultimately resulted in a phenomenal payout (that is, if you believe the movie). I don't know the exact math here, but if the lawyers take is 40% (133m) and is split by two firms that's 66 million each and Ed pays Erin the 2m out his share leaving him with a cool $64 million. He's set for life, can buy a 100 foot yacht and sail around the world for the rest of his days.


I figure....

Lawyers got 40% of 330 mil = 132 mil
The other firm probably got 80% of the split since they were bigger & had the clout to actually win the case - other firm's cut - $26.4 mil

Over 2 years of expenses for the firm before the settlement including travel, court filings, etc... / still paid her a salary/expenses for 2 years / I expected he gave all of his employees a nice bonus also

He probably kept in the 8-10 mil range for himself


remember that was just ONE of his constantly incoming fees.....


It's a helluva lot of money when you consider that her entire case has been since proven to have been a complete BS scam.

