Because the true story is a lot murkier,the movie is a glorification of a woman who is not the angel that she is shown as and will leave you with a bad taste in the mouth when you know the truth.

If you already have then I am sorry-

from the article-

"Thus, whereas the EPA assigns inhaled chromium-6 to Class A, designating it a known human carcinogen, as ingested it's classified as a "D," meaning that there is no evidence of carcinogenicity."

"The plaintiffs complain that their lawyers held onto the money for six months after PG&E cut the check. When Sharp asked Masry to explain the delay, he said, "Why are you being stupid? It was a complicated $333 million settlement. Are you an idiot?" Though some of the plaintiffs were desperately in debt, none of the attorneys, nor Brockovich, would return their calls."

"Hinkley residents have no sympathy for PG&E, of course, Brockovich and Masry having thoroughly terrified them into believing that every ailment they've ever had or will have is from chromium-6 ingestion. But to many, the bad guys are now the Brockovich Bunch. "I feel like I was treated like a country hick," one told Sharp. "We are the ones who made those guys zillionaires."
"Indeed, and Hollywood heroes. "

More here,Erin's response and its counter response-


The movie was way too Hollywood for me. I went and read the real story after watching the movie. Erin (et al) didn't just stumble onto the case as the movie portrayed. They were hunting for a big paycheck from the start.



regardless of lawyers being after "big fat paychecks", a lot of people who were lied to and manipulated got what they deserved.


Not according to this article. (Link below). The story seems very fair and balanced as well. Sorry I couldn't make it clickable.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


Too late. I just watched it about 6 hours ago for the first time. Something told me when I watched it to take it with a grain of sand and to realize that what I was seeing may have been more of a dramatization than true-to-life. Either way I enjoyed the film.


Pardon me?... Erin was portrayed as an angel???!!!! How many Hollywood movies have been made out of this story? I only know of one! Erin is portrayed by Julia Roberts in the version I saw! She wears scandalous clothes (from her appearance on Oprah, I hear that the skirts were actually shorter in real life!), swears like a sailor, mouths off to anyone who upsets her, is ungrateful to people who help her (George)...shall I go on?!!!!???


you know historical inaccuracy never really bothered me, it must suck if it does bother you since most of them are not accurate

so many movies, so little time


Yeah, I could care less what the factual basis for the movie is. It is a Hollywood movie, so knowing that you know it to be 90% fictional. Real story aside, it's an enjoyable movie.
