I have it on DVD

Mine is not taped from TV. It is from a tv station master tape, uncut commercial-free. Very good quality but not high-definition surround sound like everyone expects these days from a 70s show. There have been many copies sold on ebay, some taped from TV and some from my master. If you bought a good quality one from ebay, it was a copy of mine.


Do you sell or trade copies of yours. I have a poor quality one from ebay. its watchable,but i can tell its from vhs. I'm looking for a better copy. I'll pay,send blanks,or trade if your interested.


Milwaukee metalcore:
Floating Face Down


I have been searching for a good quality of this show for about 22 years. May I buy one from you?


i know this post is from 2 years ago, but are you still selling these on ebay? thanks!


I would love to buy a DVD of this show from you. Could you let me know how to do this? Thanks.


How can I get a copy of that show.
I erased my wife's copy from TV several years ago.
I would love to get her a copy again.


Tejas55, could I please purchase one or two from you? Are you still selling them?
