Will this EVER be released on DVD?!

This was teased a couple years ago, but for whatever reason, all we got was "Rocky Mountain Holiday." Don't know why the delay on this, but it's pretty frustrating. I still remember seeing the Christmas one as a little kid (have and listen to the CD every year), but didn't know "Rocky Mountain" existed until I bought it by mistake. I'd love to know why this was never released - hopefully by next Christmas, as it's too late for this year.


There are DVD copies of the TV show for sale on eBay. I bought one last week and
it is actually a good copy...it was great to see the show again after more than
25 years!


Which ebay seller offered a decent copy? Some sellers have rec'd horrid feedback for selling bad copies. Thanks! [email protected]


Can you tell us the name of the seller on ebay? I would just love to have a copy too!


If/when you find it has (finally) been released please spread the word. Ebay has tons of listing for this items - copies of copies from what I gather, though I'd prefer a bona fide original. We listen to the CD every year but have yet to find it on DVD. Keep in touch. [email protected]



I would love a copy if anyone in the UK could offer one.............I would be eternally grateful !!!!!!!!!!!A lot of warm an happy memories connected with this show!


Man The DVD is hard to find I got a really bad copy on Ebay



You can go to http://holidaydvds.tripod.com/



I don't know how "legal" it is, but I got a DVD from here: http://www.timesforgottendvd.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=283

The quality is what you would expect from something released in 1979, not HD but at least VHS quality. I bought two more copies for my sister and mother-in-law.
