Hornblower Petition

A&E has said recently that it is not interested in funding more Horatio Hornblower movie episodes, even though Granada (the British production company that produces Hornblower) has cleared it with the Forester estate and was working on new scripts. Without A&E, who is more interested in reality TV, Granada can't afford to shoot another film. A&E's attitude is quite sad considering Hornblower performs quite well with American audiences and garners Emmy nominations.

Gruffudd himself has stated that he'd be glad to participate in more Hornblower efforts, even lobbying recently for Hornblower on the big screen because of A&E's lack of interest.

If you're interested in telling A&E how you feel, there's a petition at:



why so ?



The Hornblower series is great. I am an American and found them in a public library.

I will go to your suggested web site and vote.

I do not want to see the series end. It was much better than I expected it to be since I am an avid fan of the Forester books. (Typically movies are not as good as the original books - "cliff notes" is what I call most movies. And though this is still true of the series, the productions and acting has been top notch and therefore very entertaining.)

Thanks for you thoughts and giving "us" a way to have a voice in this!



I will sign the petition. I always felt there was enough material to make substantially more Hornblower films. At the conclusion of the 8th film, I was still wanting more. Gruffudd, in my opinion, is the finest actor of his generation as he did great justice to the Hornblower character. Lindsay and the other actors excelled as well. Its been roughly six years since the last epic was released in 2003, but we can always hope for the adventure to continue. And what a great adventure it was.


I agree, I would LOVE to see Gruffudd's Hornblower with Lady Barbara!!!!!


They could work perhaps more romance into future episodes. I would love to see Kate Winslet in this series as she is the ultimate BABE! She would really steam things up!



Perhaps that's where the next Hornblower film should be is on the big screen. If they can do it with Russell Crowe in the Master and the Commander, then it would work with Gruffudd, Lindsay, and the others. Winslet as Lady Barbara would be ideal. This is still most likely a pipe dream.



It seems that Gruffudd's star has been in the ascent in Hollywood in recent years. He played a cynical dark brooding Lancelot in King Arthur. Perhaps we can hope for another period film with him and Winslet. I just think the two would be an interesting match.


Umm- it was *Meridian* who originally shot the series. It's only since Carlton and Granada bought out the rest of the ITV network that everything is released under Granada's name.

Carlton and Granada also mothballed pretty much every ITV-owned production facility.. a far cry from the glory days of ITV...
