The writer probably thought...

... "How can I use the term 'closet hetero' in a script?"

I saw this movie at some late-night timeslot some time ago.

I remember thinking, "Huh, men are outlawed because they're violent, but, gee, those women are plenty violent themselves!"

The fact that violence is endemic to humanity--not just to men--is what I took away, but then again, it's been quite some time since I saw the movie, and even then, I saw it at, like, 2am.


More likely, he thought writting a script where women killed all the men in the world to create a utopian societiy would improve his chances of getting laid!


Probably didnt get far though. :) Possible dialog at a bar... Writer: "Hey I wrote a screen play once." Woman: "Really! How cool! What is was it about?" Writer: "Oh its about violent women who keep guys imprisoned because they are violent and caused a bad war. Except! Get this... The women are just the same as the guys are!" Woman: "Oh. Ummm... Bartender! Check please."


He should have turned it into a porn movie.

A barely legal young and handsome man has just been thrust into a world entirely populated by women. If he doesnt reproduce fast, the race is doomed. pwniez


You're absolutely right brianpepperz. This would have been a better porn movie than a real one. I remember watching this crap and thinking to myself: Wait a minute. They want to wipe out men because they are violent. Well wake up and smell the roses folks because women are just as capable of violence. All human beings are. It's in our primal nature buried underneath the fake trappings of "society" and "being civilized".

So where are the movies about the anti female viruses?

Long live the 70s!
