MovieChat Forums > The Last Man on Planet Earth (1999) Discussion > What if the situation was reversed?

What if the situation was reversed?

You'd have every NOW (national organization for women) group picketing at any theader that was showing it.

This junk is the perfect example of how politically correctness can go WAAY over the line! This is coming from a liberal too.


if there were no women left.

That would be bad too!

Just call me Monsterman.


If there were NO feminist that would be GREAT!

IF there were NO old fashion, overly protective and over controling dudes who believe that woman are an inferior specie, that would also be GREAT!


Well, it's America.

BTW, did you see my topic on the board?

Just call me Monsterman.


Yes, and that's what really motivated me to say my own piece.

Thanks for the rally cry!


I don't think there are a significant number of men who fantasize about the annihilation of the female sex (even gay men, who don't depend on women for companionship or sex). In contrast, future societies (utopias?)in which males have been exterminated are a staple of feminist science fiction, and killing off males and achieving reproduction through parthenogenesis has been seriously proposed by several feminists, including Mary Daly and of course Valerie Solanas in the SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto. They may represent a fringe (although Gloria Steinem publicly defended Solanas) but misandry is a much more acceptable form of hate than misogyny. No one would write (OR PUBLISH) a book entitled, "Are Women Necessary?" or sell T-shirts saying, "Girls are stupid, throw rocks at them".


I'd buy one of those shirts!

Seriously though look at what humanity has done over the centuries. We have slowly but surely polluted the planet. We have caused the deaths of millions of soldiers and civilians during several wars. We are the only species on Earth that hunt for pleasure as opposed to just for food (I'm referring to those trophy hunters not hunters in general). We have caused the total extinction of several species of animals and have put countless more on the endangered lists. Coral reefs and other forms of sea life are being destroyed by our stupidity (accidental oil spills, deliberate dumping of toxic waste in the oceans). I can go on but I'm getting depressed.

It's time that either the Deity you worship or the cosmic forces of the universe or Mother Nature herself pushes the reset button and wipes Humanity from the face of the Earth. Maybe the apes will do a better job after all.

Long live the 70s!


I think in the opposite case where all the women died society would quickly descend into an orgy of violence and frustration, to say nothing of the great amounts of sodomy that would occur. At any rate it all the men died all the women died we would pretty much be doomed within a generation unless we did invent some type of cloning method of reproduction like in this movie.
