End credits theme

Can anybody tell me the singer and/or wirter of the the end credits theme?

I saw it, but it just went to quick, so i didn't read it all and can't remeber even the information i read?


Best regards,



The End Title is performed by Gabriela Robin, she`s also known as Yoko Kanno and she playes piano on the OST to. But i would recommend not to buy the ost it works fine in the movie but on its own its pretty boring. On the other hand its your decsision ;) http://www.dan42.com/jinroh/e/download.html << there you can get the end title -.*



The version available for download is not of the same quality as the OST version.

The OST is available as part of the Jin-Roh Special Edition, and is well worth the extra cost. The Special Edition also includes a DVD extra full of behind the scenes information, character sketches, and interviews.


That mp3 link doesnt even work, try to listen it in here.
