
alright, it was just my luck to get the scratched up dvd from hollywood video that messes up in some of the most critical scenes. so, what i want to know is, what did the men at the waste dump decide on? why exactly were they trying to "catch" fuse? did they expect that he was part of some counter-intelligence group or what?

i really wish hollywood video would check up on the condition of their dvds more often...


what they where trying to do, was use Fuse as a type of sacraficial lamb.

the main plan was basically to get him, and the girl "caught" in the middle of a bomb transfer. they would then make it known though whatever media they could that a member of the special forces, was actually working with terrorists. this way they would show that the special forces was weak, and would discredit and possibly make that faction of the security devisions disband.
