Tell me now!

Tell me where I can rent this movie! Now! I love the "Trilogy of Terror" movies. I gotta see this one. Now PLEASE tell me(don't mention ebay, I know that already. Someone already placed a bid). Also, is there know... bad?


I once rented this movie from a store called "Mondo Video" in L.A. I don't know, maybe some online video-rental outfits may also have it.

Believe me, it is worth every effort to see this thing. Everyone I have watched it with ends up slack-jawed and unable to speak. I can barely type this as i think of the movie again.

Descriptions don't do it justice. See it. Your life will be irrevocably changed.


"Mister Wonderrrr-fulllll!!!"
This movie is truly disturbing...and not in a good way. Trilogy of Terror was much better/ I have only seen one copy of this is a Mom and Pop video store that was in my hood that closed down. can try EBay, or

