MovieChat Forums > Black Devil Doll from Hell Discussion > You have got to be kidding me

You have got to be kidding me

There is actually a movie out there titled "Black Devil Doll From Hell"? I found a link to this movie on some website and decided to check it out on IMDB. A woman buys a possesed black doll with dreadlocks or something and proceeds to be hypnotized and RAPED by it???? Needless to say, it doesn't seem to be up to par with contemporary filmmaking of today or even back in the 80's. Hahahaha I found it humorous that this movie actually exists! You wonder why nobody takes our country seriously.


I saw this in the '80s and am forever scarred by it.


I thought it was a true work of poignant and significant art myself. The rape scene was quite tasteful, touching and above all erotic, especially when the doll snarls to the woman the following deeply poetic line: "I'm gonna *beep* you, b**ch!" More pure and beautiful words of heartfelt love and compasion have never been spoken as eloquently as that above quoted line.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


You are so right on. This movie was at times poetic and beautiful. Truly an American classic...

"Belief is the Death of Intelligence" - Robert Anton Wilson


"Now that you've smellt the foulness of my breff, you can taste the sweetness of my tongue."

I've never been more aroused by a puppet.


This was probably a fantasy the director had,you know being seduced and violated by a puppet so he went through all that trouble to put it on screen. The videos rare but people will pay top dollar just to see hardcore sex between a woman and puppet.
