Different Edits...?

I know all currently available versions of this are bootlegs. Someone told me that there is a different edit of this with a hesvy metal soundtrack and "improved pacing", whatever that means. On my version, the soundtrack is 100% Casio. The opening and closing songs are rock, though. Also, my version's credits state that the movie was "re-edited" by David Ichikawa, who also provided said rock songs. Does anyone know anything about the different edits floating around? Is the "re-edited" version the one Chester N. Turner intended the world to see?


Ignore the rumors. The Casio version is the only true Testament. CNT represent.


False. I own both edits of the movie. The one which opens with the heavy metal music is a shorter version which trims the never ending pans and long bits of dialogue to indeed improve the pacing of the movie. All in all, it doesn't matter which version you watch. You can't polish a turd.

"I fulfilled a lot of people's predictions about me. I've become a real scumbag."

Danny Vermin


I own both edits of the movie. The one which opens with the heavy metal music is a shorter version which trims the never ending pans and long bits of dialogue to indeed improve the pacing of the movie. All in all, it doesn't matter which version you watch. You can't polish a turd.

"I fulfilled a lot of people's predictions about me. I've become a real scumbag."

Danny Vermin
