Favorite character?

Who was your favorite on the show? Mine was Miguel when he was played by Blair Redford. But I also liked Noah, Vincent and Ethan.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.



I would have to say I loved Theresa. I'm glad she walked her journey and got what she wanted by the end of this highly wacky but dramatic and entertaining series.


Theresa. I adored her. Luis was a close second.


Kay Bennett while she was played by Deanna Wright


1. Justin Hartley's Fox
2. Noah
3. Dalton James' Hank
4. Julian
5. Taylor Anne Mountz or Heidi Mueller's Kay


I agree with both Noah, and Taylor and Heidi's Kay. those two were the best Kays.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Theresa was my favorite character by far. Her passion and dedication to achieve whatever she wanted was inspiring. Plus, Ethan and Theresa are one of the best TV couples ever. Tabitha and Timmy were great too. Oh, and Zombie Charity always gave me a good laugh!


Travis Schuldt as Ethan Crane-Winthrop


Say what you want about his acting ability or really anyone else on that show -- he had some weird cadences when it came to saying his lines -- but you cannot deny that the chemistry between him and the actress that played Teresa was off the charts. In the first 100 or so episodes you really believed that Ethan wanted to be Teresa's best friend. You really believed he cared about her. It was very sweet and endearing.



I liked Whitney, beautiful and intriguing. Always a joy to see what situations she'd find herself in time after time...


Theresa, with Ivy a close second. This show was ridiculous (which I loved) but both actors committed whole-heartedly.
